Write unit test for following code. You MUST return method code only, no explain. You MUST Use English to reply me! You MUST return start with @Test annotation. You are working on a project that uses Spring MVC,Spring WebFlux,JDBC to build RESTful APIs. You MUST use should_xx_xx style for test method name. You MUST use given-when-then style.
- Test file should be complete and compilable, without need for further actions.
- Ensure that each test focuses on a single use case to maintain clarity and readability.
- Instead of using
methods for setup, include all necessary code initialization within each individual test method, do not write parameterized tests. - This project uses JUnit 5, you should import
and use@Test
annotation. - You MUST use MockMvc and test API only.
- Use appropriate Spring test annotations such as
// here are related classes: // ‘filePath: /Users/phodal/IdeaProjects/untitled/src/main/java/cc/unitmesh/untitled/demo/service/BlogService.java // class BlogService { // blogRepository // + public BlogPost createBlog(BlogPost blogDto) // + public BlogPost getBlogById(Long id) // + public BlogPost updateBlog(Long id, BlogPost blogDto) // + public void deleteBlog(Long id) // } // ‘filePath: /Users/phodal/IdeaProjects/untitled/src/main/java/cc/unitmesh/untitled/demo/dto/CreateBlogRequest.java // class CreateBlogRequest { // title // content // user //
// } // ‘filePath: /Users/phodal/IdeaProjects/untitled/src/main/java/cc/unitmesh/untitled/demo/entity/BlogPost.java // class BlogPost { // id // title // content // author // + public BlogPost(String title, String content, String author) // + public BlogPost() // + public void setId(Long id) // + public Long getId() // + public String getTitle() // + public void setTitle(String title) // + public String getContent() // + public void setContent(String content) // + public String getAuthor() // + public void setAuthor(String author) // }
@ApiOperation(value = "Create a new blog")
public BlogPost createBlog(@RequestBody CreateBlogRequest request) {
CreateBlogResponse response = new CreateBlogResponse();
BlogPost blogPost = new BlogPost();
BeanUtils.copyProperties(request, blogPost);
BlogPost createdBlog = blogService.createBlog(blogPost);
BeanUtils.copyProperties(createdBlog, response);
return createdBlog;
Start test code with @Test
syntax here: